REBOOT — A New beginning for Women

Socially Desi
2 min readJul 1, 2021

We were taking an in-depth look at a new beginning for women with the game-changer Geeta Ramakrishnan — an Amazon best-selling author and an Ontologist on our podcast The Socially Desi Show.

Geeta chalks out personal reasons that often compel women to quit career. The major concern is women who quit their jobs and couldn’t bounce back to their professional lives and have feelings of resentment. While we are growing up consciously or unconsciously we are conditioned to believe that as a woman the most important role in our lives is that of a mother or a wife.

Just as married women decide to recommence their professional lives the major challenge that they face is the cultural expectation that they should prioritize their family. It’s highly necessary that we overcome these challenges but how? One needs to identify the biases in the mind that they are being served, to have a clarity of thoughts whether you want to work or not, to have open conversations with the family, to take responsibility, and become the first person to address the elephant in the room, being open to the changes by accepting it and looking for opportunities and most importantly not to consider the opinion of others.

The life coach marks with the new work from the home concept we witnessed a lot of side hustle as people cherished their hobbies and passion which made money. While it’s good to have a goal, it’s more important to have a path.

An ideal working woman doesn’t necessarily wear a suit and goes to the office, someone can run an online business and still be considered as a working woman. The whole idea is to feel confident and has a sense of fulfillment. So take the first step, celebrate the small wins, reflect on them to see where it is taking you.

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